NYC's next rodent war? Queens residents say squirrels are wreaking havoc on their cars

Squirrels causing serious damage to Queens residents' cars

NEW YORK — When we talk about rodent problems in New York City, there's probably one specific critter that comes to mind, but in Glen Oaks, Queens, rats aren't the problem.

Residents say squirrels are wreaking havoc on cars.

"I have not seen any rats here, I've only seen squirrels"

Glen Oaks resident Mary Bernstein relies on her car for commutes. But lately, turning on the ignition brings a sense of dread.

"I'm in trepidation thinking that maybe the squirrels got in it," she said.

She says tiny trespassers, sneaking under the hood and gnawing on cables, have put her car out of commission twice this year, leaving her to get towed to the dealership.

All rodents gnaw to shorten their teeth, which grow continuously. In Bernstein's leafy neighborhood, she has no doubt who the culprit is.

"I have not seen any rats here," she said. "I've only seen squirrels."

While insurance has covered her costs so far, she worries about neighbors facing the same problem. One post in a Glen Oaks Facebook group cited $4,000 worth of chewing damage.

How to keep squirrels out of your car

Squirrel removal may require a permit from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Wildlife rehabilitator John Di Leonardo recommends regularly relocating your car and using natural repellents containing mint and cayenne pepper. 

"These squirrels are now probably looking for a place to nest down ahead of winter," he said. "And with development and urban sprawl, there's not as many places for them as there used to be."

Above all, he says squirrels are neighbors who deserve appreciation.

"I think they demonstrate a lot of the best qualities in us: curiosity, happiness, play," he said. "And we have to remember that we built our homes in their homes."

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