SEE IT: Joe Namath In Full Uniform At Yankees Camp

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) -- Legendary trend-setter Joe Namath is rocking a new look -- Yankees pinstripes.

The Jets icon and Hall of Fame quarterback was seen at the Yankees' spring training complex on Monday in full uniform, head to toe.

"It's special," Namath said.  "I'm a baseball fan, I'm a Yankee fan, I'm a people fan. ... And the uniform, I was so happy, it wasn't wool."

No Photoshop here. Here's the man himself getting chatty on the field in Tampa:

Namath went old-school with the high socks and hiked-up pants. Reggie Jackson was obviously impressed:

And here's Namath and Derek Jeter proving that the dugout is indeed big enough for the two of them:

So why was Namath in town? Yankees Magazine shed some light on the issue -- apparently it was for an exclusive sit-down with Jeter.

Namath was also good enough to speak with reporters about the Yanks and Jeter, who will retire after the upcoming season.

"He's special," he said. "Some of the things in life that athletes or people in the public eye go through, I can relate to a bit. But his career and where he's been, what he's done, I can't relate to all that. No, man."

Listen to Namath On Jeter
Listen to Jeter On Namath


Now there's this:

There you have it.

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