Rev. Sharpton Joins Family Of Eric Garner, Condemns Use Of Choke Holds During Arrests

NEW YORK(CBSNewYork) -- The National Action Network held a rally on Saturday, to condemn police officers who use choke holds during arrests.

The rally came after three separate incidents where police were caught on camera allegedly using a maneuver that is not permitted by the NYPD.

Listen to Rev. Sharpton Joins Family Of Eric Garner, Condemns Use Of Choke Holds During Arrests

Reverend Al Sharpton and the family of Eric Garner were on hand at NAN's Harlem headquarters for the rally. Garner died in police custody earlier this month while being arrested for allegedly selling untaxed cigarettes on a Staten Island street.

Sharpton was also joined by a 32-year-old Brooklyn man who was apparently put in a choke hold by an officer during an arrest earlier this week.

Listen to Rev. Sharpton Joins Family Of Eric Garner, Condemns Use Of Choke Holds During Arrests

Jahmil El-Cuffee was arrested for allegedly smoking pot outside of his home on Wednesday.

El-Cuffee appeared to be resisting as he was wrestled to the ground. Officer Joel Edouard pulled his gun during the arrest, and El-Cuffee could be heard asking for help as bystanders grew louder. One woman could be seen on video trying to intervene.

As additional officers arrived, Officer Edouard was seen walking away, but returned to the confrontation, and appeared to put his foot on El-Cuffee's head.

"I just want it all to stop," El-Cuffee said at Saturday's rally.

"Why are they so angry in a community where they're supposed to protect," El-Cuffee's sister Rashisa Rahim told CBS 2's Janelle Burrell.

Edouard, from the 81st Precinct, has been stripped of his gun and badge as the NYPD investigates.

The president of the police union said a full review of the facts is necessary before making conclusions about the footage, CBS 2 reported.

El-Cuffee was treated for head and neck injuries, he joined the family of Eric Garner as NAN rallied for more police accountability.

"We don't want this to happen. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy," Garner's mother Gwen Carr told CBS 2 Saturday.

Garner, 43, was buried earlier this week. His family has called for federal prosecutors to investigate his death.

"We intend to, with dignity and determination, to win this case so that this does not happen again," a family member said.

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