Family Of CBS2 Reporter Nina Kapur Takes Legal Action Against Driver, Revel And New York City For Fatal Moped Accident

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) -- More than a year after CBS2 reporter Nina Kapur died following a moped accident in Brooklyn, her family is taking legal action against multiple involved parties, including the driver and Revel.

Nina's family spoke with CBS2's Lisa Rozner on Friday.

On Franklin Street in Greenpoint, there are stark reminders of the Revel moped accident that replays regularly in the minds of Nina's family.

"People say it's been a year and it's not, it's every day. It's one second at a time," said Mikki Bahl, Nina's uncle. "You're part of an exclusive club, right, that you don't want to be a part of."

Police said on July 18, 2020 at 5:30 p.m., 26-year-old Maninder Jit Singh of Yonkers was operating a Revel moped with Nina, also 26, as the passenger when he abruptly hit the brakes near a painted "STOP" on the pavement, causing the vehicle to upend.

Both Singh and Nina were thrown off.

Lawyers for Nina's family said she had injuries to her torso and was "aware of her impending death." Nina died at the hospital a few hours later.

"If through her name, one person can be saved, then it's all worth it," Bahl said.

Nina's uncle spoke on behalf of her mother, Monica, and father, Anup. They are still too emotionally broken to express their pain, but are sending a powerful message through the legal system.

They're suing Revel Transit and Singh.

"A cause of action against the driver for negligence in the operation of the vehicle at the time of the accident and also a cause of action against Revel for the improper training and maintenance of the vehicle itself," said Noreen Letta, the family's attorney.

The family is also putting New York City on legal notice. They plan to sue the Department of Transportation for $5 million for "the negligent implementation and operation of the ride sharing service," including not ensuring riders received training on how to safely operate the vehicles.

"You basically had a credit card and a driver's license, and you could operate the equivalent, more of a motorcycle," said Edward G. Bailey, an attorney for the family.

Family lawyers said other cities where Revel operates had stronger safety protocols in place, including setting the vehicles' speed limit to 25 mph instead of 30.

The city comptroller said it will review the claim.

Singh and Revel declined to comment for this story.

But in court papers, Revel denied the allegations and said Nina knew of the inherent risks by riding the vehicle and that she failed to utilize the required safety helmet.

Lawyers for Nina's estate said Singh recently told a Department of Motor Vehicles judge that the brakes on this vehicle were very hard compared to others and that Revel did not teach him how the brakes work.

"Now they're going to have to actually go out and prove that the brakes on this scooter were faulty, prove that Revel knew that, without the training sessions, this was a much more dangerous endeavor," said Mark Peters, CBS2 urban affairs expert.

Singh also allegedly said he and Nina were not wearing helmets due to COVID concerns.

Nina's family said she was passionate about sharing information as a reporter and they hope the legal process empowers the public with knowledge about ride-sharing mopeds.

In the spring, the city passed legislation to create rules and regulations for ride-sharing moped companies. They are supposed to be announced later this year.

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