Village of Malverne unanimously votes to change name of street currently named after KKK leader

Malverne officials vote to rename Lindner Place

MALVERNE, N.Y. -- A decision has been made in the fight over a street named for a 1920s Ku Klux Klan leader on Long Island.

The village of Malverne board members voted unanimously Thursday night to change the name of Lindner Place.

"You got to put yourself in other people's shoes. You got to put yourself and understand what other people are thinking and going through," Mayor Keith Corbett said.

As CBS2's Carolyn Gusoff reported, a committee of historians, residents, and students presented the village with volumes of research.

"The report we got, and I thank it from presiding, is pretty conclusive as to the name of the street and as to the actions of Mr. Paul Linder," Corbett said.

"Lindner was a terrible person. He hurt so many people," ninth grader Olivia Brown said.

Students poured over 200 documents and then presented to Malverne's village board proof, they say, that Paul Lindner's role as a Klan grand titan overshadows his status as an early village land owner.

"You requested a formal proposal. You received it. You requested research report. You received it. You requested support of Malverne residents. You received it," Brown said.

Watch Carolyn Gusoff's report 

Village of Malverne holds special meeting to address requested name change for Lindner Place

The research that came at the insistence of the mayor, who applauded students but initially sparred over whether the record of Linder's KKK involvement is clear. He received reams of research from a committee of students, residents, and historians.

"Even in his good years he wasn't that good," historian Don Pupke said.

Pupke says a name change is not about canceling history.

"There will never be a time when Lindner's philosophy of racism, antisemitism, anti-Italian, anti-Irish, anti Catholic intimidation and cross burnings will ever be morally right," Pupke said.

"You look at all the things that Paul Linder has done and you can't deny the fact that he was a terrible person. Why would I want the name of a Klan member on the street in my village?" Brown said.

Among those opposed to the change are Lindner's descendants and three of 11 Lindner Place residents.

They haven't spoken publicly.

One person did speak at Thursday's meeting, saying, "You can knock down statues, change names, it does not erase history."

Other Lindner Place residents say history can be addressed without being erased, and we can learn from it.

"Anyone that empathizes with people that have been impacted by oppression and prejudice and discrimination then it's in your face. A lot of people are oblivious to it because it didn't impact them personally," Jamie Bellamy said.

As CBS2's Thalia Perez reports, the mayor says they will now start the process to decide what the new street name will be and begin work with the postal service to make it official.

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