Travelers say no major issues at New York City airports as holiday season shifts into high gear

Travelers say no major issues at New York City airports during holiday rush
Travelers say no major issues at New York City airports during holiday rush

NEW YORK -- As the holiday season shifts into high gear, both air and road travel could hit record highs. 

According to AAA, 150 million Americans will travel at least 50 miles for the holidays. That's up 2% from 2022.

In the New York City area, travelers said Friday they were surprised at how smooth it's going so far. 

Passengers arriving at Kennedy Airport were relieved to make it to their destination. 

"You don't prepare, you roll with it. That's what we do in New York," said John Kotler, who traveled from Texas. 

Many were thankful it was smooth sailing. 

"It was so smooth getting through both airports," said Cece Rucker, from Atlanta.

Officials said flight delays are way down this year compared to 2022, but passenger volume is up. 

TSA predicted 7.5 million people would catch a flight this week into next, making it the busiest travel season ever. 

At Newark Airport, passengers got a break from long lines, including Quinton Castillo who was on his way to South Florida. 

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"Have a good, happy, merry Christmas, hit the beach a little and escape the Jersey cold for a little bit," said Castillo. 

Still, some travelers prepared for the worst. 

AAA says 100 million people will drive to their holiday destinations this year, including Rachel Peace and her 3-year-old son Cayson from Monmouth County. 

"It's a beautiful sunny day, and we're looking forward to the holiday season," said Peace. 

"The roads are pretty good. Route 22, little bit of traffic," said Nadia Silver, from East Orange. 

TSA said Dec. 28, Dec. 29 and New Year's Day will be the busiest travel days this holiday season. The agency expects to screen 2.5 million per day. 

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