Study: 70 Percent Of Employers Check Candidates' Social Media Profiles During Hiring Process

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) -- If you are looking for a job, what you say and do on social media could make or break a deal.

A recent study found more and more employers are going online to screen potential candidates, CBS2's Hena Doba reported Wednesday.

While scrolling through her social media pages, which include Facebook and Instagram, Khadaijah Hall admitted she has some regrets over posts she put up in the past, especially now that she has visited a job fair looking for work.

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When asked if there is anything on her social media accounts she doesn't want an employer to see, Hall said, "Yeah ... one time I cursed on Facebook."

Whether its pictures, videos or posting that funny meme, the chances of your potential boss seeing it are likely. A new study from Career Builder reveals 70 percent of employers are checking out a candidate's social media profiles during the hiring process.

That doesn't only apply to those looking for a job. Nearly half still check up on current employees on social media, and a third of employers have reprimanded or fired a worker based on their online profiles.

"I'm not thrilled that people use it to screen, but you have to be realistic in this day and age. When you put it out there, it's out there for the world to see," job seeker Margaret Price said.

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And if you think not having an online presence at all could help, think again. Nearly half of employers say that if they can't find a job candidate online, they are less likely to call that person in for an interview.

As for Hall, she's going back to some old school advice.

"My mom always taught me don't put my business out there. Everyone doesn't need to know what you're thinking at all times," Hall said.

That's advice that may help her land her next job.

Half of employers said they search social networking sites to see if a job candidate has a professional online persona.

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