Hillsborough Police officers save teen who suffered cardiac arrest during basketball game

Officers save teen who went into cardiac arrest during basketball game

HILLSBOROUGH, N.J. -- Three Hillsborough police officers saved a 15-year-old boy's life after he went into cardiac arrest while playing basketball for the Saint James School in Basking Ridge. 

The teen collapsed on the court two minutes into the game Saturday at a Hillsborough intermediate school. 

Bystanders started performing CPR before Officer Tiana Ramos arrived on the scene, according to police. 

"He was blue, not breathing, not responding to any stimuli. So I quickly got my medic bag and hooked up the oxygen," said Ramos. 

Minutes later, two more officers jumped in to help. Officer Dylan Ely started compressions. 

"The first few minutes in a situation like that is crucial," said Ely. 

"I looked to the right and the school's defibrillator was already on the ground, it was already set up. So I looked at someone who was standing over it and I said, 'Hey, hook those pads up to him. Let's try to get this defibrillator hooked up,'" said Officer Rick Tichenor. 

"After one shock was administered we were able to get a pulse and the child started breathing again and slightly responding to us calling his name," said Ramos. 

"It's amazing, not just for us as officers, but for people also. And when it comes down to the family, his dad was there. So we're glad that we were able to bring him back to his dad and get him home," said Ely. 

The teen was taken to the hospital in stable condition. 

"Being able to almost see it hands on and providing that care and getting the child back with a pulse and breathing, and now he's standing up in his bed, it's a really rewarding feeling and it's great to see that he's doing well," said Ramos. 

New Jersey law requires schools to have defibrillators on hand.

"It's very simple, the directions are on there. Don't be scared. It'll walk you through the whole thing. Our defibs actually have an audio sequence that will tell you exactly what to do," said Tichenor. 

Hillsborough Police also have them in their patrol cars.   

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