'That's So Cool': Hawks Born On Fire Escape In Upper West Side

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) -- A couple of newborn hawks on the Upper West side have been drawing a lot of attention since their arrival this past weekend.

CBS2's Scott Rapoport reported the hawks were born on Jimmy O'Kelly's 16th floor fire escape on West 72nd Street, hatching right outside his bedroom window.

O'Kelly said he was watching and waiting for five weeks.

"We've been trying to keep very respectful of it, not to distract it or anything. They get easily rattled," O'Kelly said.

O'Kelly explained that back in early March he first noticed a bird nest and bird eggs on a folded beach chair he left on the fire escape, along with a very protective female hawk.

"We just knew right away that we can't disrupt this. That we have to let it be," O'Kelly said.

He did some research and found that it would take about five weeks for the eggs to hatch, so he observed it from his bed.

"You don't expect to see wildlife like this," O'Kelly said, describing waking up to the baby hawks on Sunday.

Residents have been amazed at their newborn neighbors.

"I've lived in New York City my entire life. I've seen chickens and wolves, but I never even knew these existed," Maggie Parker said.

Another neighbor said, "That's so cool. It's beautiful."

The mother hawk and her babies seem to be in no hurry to leave.

"I think they like it here," O'Kelly said.

O'Kelly said his girlfriend has named the babies Ethan and Tony Hawk.

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