Gut Or Guts? 8 Best Naked Prince Fielder Twitter Memes

by @TaraLipinsky

ESPN’s released it’s body issue Tuesday and I’m sure it features many of the world’s best athletes in all their glory, but I don’t have a clue who they are, because the only one everyone is talking about is Prince Fielder. 

He’s no Adonis and his bold naked bod is causing all type of opinions and spawning –what else- social media memes. Whether you love the photos or hate the photos one thing is clear you can’t get them out of your mind.

Here are the eight best naked Prince Fielder memes I found on Twitter.

8. Hitting below the belt.

7. Double play.

6. The Prince doesn't walk.

5. One ball, one strike.

4. Cute or Cruel? I'm talking about the Zubaz pants.

3. Han Solo home run?

2. Centaur Fielder?

1. Texas Rangers may be wondering if the 'Price is Right.'

Fielder has gotten a lot of criticism and a ton of support. No pun, intended, seriously! Personally, I think he looks amazing.

Related: 11 Hilarious 'Things Tim Howard Could Save' Memes



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