House Ethics chairman introduces resolution to expel Rep. George Santos from Congress

The Republican chairman of the House Ethics Committee has filed a resolution to expel GOP Rep. George Santos from Congress, after the committee released a blistering report accusing Santos of extensive wrongdoing. 

The House Ethics Committee left the question of Santos' fate in Congress to lawmakers, but the chairman, Rep. Michael Guest of Mississippi, said the evidence revealed by the committee is "more than sufficient" to warrant the "most appropriate" punishment of expulsion and filed the resolution in his capacity as a member of the House.

"Whereas given his egregious violations, Representative George Santos is not fit to serve as a member of the United States House of Representatives: Now, therefore, be it resolved, that pursuant to article I, section 5, clause 2 of the Constitution of the United States, Representative George Santos be, and he hereby is, expelled from the United States House of Representatives," the resolution reads. 

In a statement, Guest said, "Given the intense public scrutiny surrounding Representative Santos and the ongoing activity at the DOJ, including indictments, the Ethics Committee decided to finish its work without going through a lengthier process that provides for the Committee to make a recommendation of punishment to the House."

The House has already twice considered motions to expel Santos and failed, with the vast majority of Republicans voting to keep Santos in office. That was before Congress passed additional temporary funding for the government and before the House Ethics Committee released its report. The House is out until after the Thanksgiving holiday, so it won't be able to take any action on Santos before lawmakers return to Washington. And it's still unclear if there are a sufficient number of Republicans who would vote against Santos to reach the two-thirds majority required for expulsion. 

The committee's report found "substantial evidence" that Santos violated federal law. The panel voted — unanimously — to refer evidence it gathered to the Justice Department. Federal prosecutors have already charged Santos with conspiracy, false statements, wire fraud, falsification of records, aggravated identity theft and credit card fraud. He has pleaded not guilty on all charges, and continues to insist that he is innocenct. 

An hour after the House Ethics Committee released its report Thursday, Santos announced he would not run for reelection, a reversal from his earlier statements that he would run even if expelled. 

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