Gawker Website To Shut Down Next Week

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork/AP) -- Gawker is going to shut down.

Founder Nick Denton told staffers that will end operations next week, the nearly 14-year-old website reported Thursday.

Univision, the Spanish-language broadcaster, is buying Gawker Media for $135 million in the aftermath of a $140 million judgment against it in the Hulk Hogan invasion-of-privacy case.

A bankruptcy court judge has to approve the sale at a hearing Thursday.

Gawker Media's other blogs include the women-focused Jezebel, tech-oriented Gizmodo and sports site Deadspin.

The Gawker case gained additional notoriety when it was revealed Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel had secretly bankrolled Hogan's lawsuit. Thiel was outed as gay by a Gawker-owned website in 2007.

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