Federal Government Reopens After Spending Bill Passes

WASHINGTON (CBSNewYork/AP) -- It's back to business for federal workers Tuesday after President Donald Trump signed a bill reopening the government late Monday.

The Senate voted Monday to pass a bill that would extend government funding through Feb. 8. The House approved the measure shortly thereafter, sending the spending bill to Trump, who quickly signed it.

After signing the short-term funding extension, the president tweeted: "Big win for Republicans as Democrats cave on Shutdown. Now I want a big win for everyone, including Republicans, Democrats and DACA, but especially for our Great Military and Border Security. Should be able to get there. See you at the negotiating table!"

Democrats, who faced criticism for what some perceived as caving, placed some blame on the president for the standoff.

"The great deal making president sat on the sidelines," said Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.

In a bid to win over a few Democratic holdouts, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell also pledged to take up legislation on immigration and other top Democratic priorities if they weren't already addressed by the time that spending bill would expire.

McConnell's pledge was enough to sway the handful of Democrats he needed to pass the spending bill.

"Now those talks can get going again," said McConnell. "Whether they bear fruit is up to all of us."

But some senators from the Tri-State area, all Democrats, rejected the bill.

Both senators from New Jersey , both senators from Connecticut and New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand all broke with Schumer and voted "no," wanting more concrete action for Dreamers, immigrants brought illegally to the U.S. as children.

"The Republican majority now has 17 days to prevent the Dreamers from being deported," Schumer said.

The funding bill also reinstates the Children's Health Insurance Program for six years, which was a big priority for Democrats.

Congress will provide back pay to all of the furloughed workers.

(© Copyright 2018 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Associated Press contributed to this report.)

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