Forest Hills doctor accuses neighbor who sprayed water at party guests in 2022 of racism

Queens doctor accuses neighbor who sprayed water at guests of racism

NEW YORK -- A Queens doctor claims his neighbor sprayed a hose at him and his family during a party in their backyard.

The family claims it was a racist attack, but the neighbor says there's much more to the story. 

Reggae music was playing and people were having a good time, when suddenly water started spraying from the yard next door. 

"We quickly realized that this water was not by accident, but on purpose," said Claude Duroseau.

Duroseau, a doctor, said neighbor Marcus Rosebrock sprayed his garden hose at the family's Black and Latino guests in an attempt to stop the music and party in Forest Hills in Sept. 2022. 

"If someone asked me turn down the music, that their kids cannot sleep, that would automatically happen," said Dr. Yves Duroseau. 

The family and their attorney spoke Thursday after filing a lawsuit claiming Rosebrock's actions were racially motivated. The family is seeking an undisclosed amount of money. 

"Mr. Rosebrock dehumanized our clients," said attorney Derek S. Sells.

CBS New York went to Rosebrock's home, but no one answered the door.

An attorney representing Rosebrock said he's committed to proving the truth in court, adding the Duroseau family and their friends were the aggressors before anything was captured on video.

The attorney said Rosebrock was trying to protect his property and three young children. 

"Marcus refutes any characterization that he is racist or that his actions were racially motivated. To compare Plaintiffs' aggressive and violent actions at a house party with those of the peaceful protesters of the 1960s is a false equivalence and is disrespectful of the legacy of those who suffered indignities while fighting for civil rights," Rosebrock's attorney said in a statement.

According to the complaint, the party abruptly and forcefully ended when Rosebrock repeatedly water hosed plaintiffs. The claims include "assault, trespassing and damaging property."

"This evening has left all of us scarred," said Claude Duroseau. "Even though a full year has passed since this incident, I feel no less traumatized." 

The Duroseau family said a white woman with a German shepherd showed up to the party uninvited and demanded the music be turned down. 

Rosebrock's attorney said his client's family has been receiving death threats. 

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