Diva for a Day Foundation helps women recovering from cancer get the pampering they deserve

"Diva For A Day" offers women recovering from cancer a day of pampering

BERNARDSVILLE, N.J. - A foundation that supports women recovering from cancer has a big fundraiser coming up. 

CBS2's Meg Baker met with a salon owner who helps them feel like a "Diva for a Day." 

Jessica Walker owns several salons in North Jersey where she hosts one "diva" a month. She works with the national organization "Diva for a Day," which gifts women with cancer a day at a spa. 

"They provide a manicure, pedicure, a facial, a massage, hair services, makeup services, lunch and flowers," Walker said. 

Kate Murray, a cancer survivor, had a day of pampering at J. Walker Wellness in Bernardsville. 

"I was diagnosed with cancer in 2019. I went through chemo and surgery and a friend of my mom's was familiar with the organization so they nominated me," Murray said. 

She said it helped her regroup after the whole treatment process. 

"Also really nice on a practical level because it wrecks your hair, it wrecks your nails, it wrecks your skin. So just a chance to refresh and put it all behind you," Murray said. 

The foundation recognizes the benefits of a day to escape the daily stresses a woman will face while dealing with cancer. 

"Absolutely it means so much to them. It means so much for us to be able to provide this service to them. To see somebody through a time that is really hard, and to bring some breath of fresh air and maybe some relaxation, is priceless," Walker said. 

Anyone can nominate someone they know that recently went through cancer treatment to become Diva for a Day. 

Next Tuesday, April 5, Walker will host a fashion show fundraiser to benefit the Diva for a Day Foundation, and help continue to bring moments of serenity for these fighters. 

To nominate a Diva or donate, CLICK HERE

To attend the fundraiser, CLICK HERE

CBS2's Meg Baker contributed to this report. 

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