More Than 1,700 New Coronavirus Cases Confirmed In New York, 957 In New Jersey

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork/AP) — More than 1,700 new coronavirus cases were confirmed in New York on Friday.

Hot spots in Brooklyn, Queens, Rockland and Orange counties continue to have positive test rates higher than the state average.

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The percentage of positive tests in 20 zip codes in those hot spots stands at 5.2%.

More than 350 people tested positive in Brooklyn, and in suburban Rockland County, there were at least 120 new cases.


New York recorded the results of more than 134,000 virus tests Friday, the most ever performed in a single day.

Statewide, 1.29% of the 134,000 tests were positive.

"This pandemic is not over," Gov. Andrew Cuomo said in a statement. He added: "My message to New Yorkers is please stay vigilant."

The hardest hit regions of the state, on a per capita basis, were the Southern Tier area along the Pennsylvania border and the Mid-Hudson Valley.

Both of those areas were seeing the virus spread at a rate that, if they were independent states, they would be subject to New York's rules requiring out-of-state travelers to quarantine.

CORONAVIRUS: NY Health Dept. | NY Call 1-(888)-364-3065 | NYC Health Dept. | NYC Call 311, Text COVID to 692692 | NJ COVID-19 Info Hub | NJ Call 1-(800)-222-1222 or 211, Text NJCOVID to 898211 | CT Health Dept. | CT Call 211 | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The quarantine cutoff, currently for states like Illinois, Colorado and Florida, is based on a seven-day rolling average of positive cases exceeding 10 per 100,000 residents.

The Southern Tier's average Friday was at 17 per 100,000.

Meanwhile, New Jersey reported 957 new cases Friday, including 203 in Ocean County, where cases have been on the rise.

(© Copyright 2020 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Associated Press contributed to this report.)

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