Cuomo To McConnell: 'I Dare You' To Pass A Law Allowing States To Declare Bankruptcy

ALBANY, N.Y. (CBSNewYork) — Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Friday "all the evidence suggests we're on the downside of the curve" of coronavirus cases in New York state.

There were an additional 422 deaths related to COVID-19 in the past 24 hours.

"It's dropping somewhat, but it's still devastating news," Cuomo said.

The governor said that if New York decided to reopen tomorrow, however, all progress that's been made in battling the spread of the disease would be lost.

"All experts, or virtually all experts will say, not only does the virus spread increase, but it increases to a higher point than we had increased the first time. Again, this is a remarkably effective virus at spreading and growing," Cuomo said.

The governor says we'll need fewer infections and more testing before reopening is a reality.

Mayor Bill de Blasio reiterated that.

"All indicators down, we need to do that for 10 days to two weeks and that's when we can actually start to talk about how to begin loosening up some of these restrictions," he said.


Meanwhile, Cuomo said he will make a decision about continuing statewide school closures in the next week.

The governor urged people who are tired of the restrictions and closures to remain patient.

WATCH: Gov. Andrew Cuomo Gives Coronavirus Update

Cuomo said one of the lessons of the coronavirus pandemic has to be that an outbreak anywhere in the world is an outbreak everywhere.

"All you need is one person to get on that plane in China and come to New York," Cuomo said. "The way this virus transfers, that's all you need."

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Cuomo once again lit into Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's suggestion of not bailing out states like New York, New Jersey and Connecticut because they are largely Democratic and saying they should instead declare bankruptcy.

"Few problems with that premise. Forget the morality of it, and the ethics of it, and the absurdity of it and the meanness of it. Legally, a state can't declare bankruptcy. You would need a federal law allowing states to declare bankruptcy. So to the Senate that proposed it I say pass a law allowing states declare bankruptcy. I dare you," Cuomo said.

WEB EXTRA: See Cuomo's Presentation (.pdf) 

"You want to send a signal to the markets that this nation is in real trouble? You want to send an international message that the economy is in turmoil? Do that. Allow states to declare bankruptcy legally because you passed the bill. It'll be the first time in our nation's history that that happened. I dare you to do that. And then we'll see how many states actually take you up on it," Cuomo said. "I know I wouldn't. But if you believe what you said, and you have the courage of conviction because you're a man of your word, pass that bill if you weren't just playing politics. We'll see how long it takes them to do it."

Cuomo said New York puts more money into the federal coffers every year than any other state.

"Mitch McConnell is a taker, not a giver. New York is a state of givers," Cuomo said. "Kentucky is the number three state in taking from the federal pot. They take out more from the federal pot than they put in. Every year."

"You're bailing us out? Just give me my money back, senator. Just give me my money back," he added. "I mean, it's just ridiculous."

PHOTO GALLERY: Coronavirus Shutdown 30 Days In

Cuomo said that he's ordered the Board of Elections to send a postage paid application for an absentee ballot to every New York voter.

Cuomo read a letter he received from a farmer in Kansas whose wife has one lung and diabetes. The farmer sent Cuomo an N95 mask to give to a nurse.

"A farmer in Northeast Kansas. His wife has one lung and diabetes. He has five masks. He sends one mask to New York for a doctor or a nurse, keeps four masks. You want to talk about a snapshot of humanity?" Cuomo said. "How beautiful is that. How selfless is that. How giving is that."

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