Teacher grazed by stray bullet inside Bronx classroom

Stray bullet pierces window at Bronx school, grazes teacher

NEW YORK — A teacher inside a Bronx classroom was grazed by a bullet that came through a window Wednesday.

Police said a 33-year-old teacher was inside Angelo Patri Middle School, preparing for the first day of school, when a stray bullet came in through a sixth-floor window.

The teacher was grazed on the arm, taken to a local hospital to be treated for minor injuries and then released, police said.

One other teacher was also inside the classroom at the time, but they were not injured, according to police.

Police said there were no children inside or outside the school at the time.

Detectives said the school was not targeted and believe the gunshot was fired from a long distance away, although it's unclear where, and police say there are no suspects just yet.

Extra school safety presence expected at Angelo Patri Middle School for first day of school

Police said students and staff can expect a heavier school safety presence Thursday, out of an abundance of caution. 

One parent of a student at the middle school told CBS News New York's Zinnia Maldonado said the incident has left her and her 13-year-old son nervous.

"A lot of kids coming here. This is worrying us because we both hear what is happening in some other states, something like this, crazy," parent Hassatou Barry said.

"The detective bureau is working diligently to try to determine where exactly this round came from and who fired this round. We're currently searching all rooftops nearby, looking for both ballistic evidence and video evidence. We're asking anyone for information. Please call 1-800-577-TIPS," said Chief Louis Deceglie, NYPD commanding officer of Bronx detectives.

In response to the shooting, the Department of Education released a statement saying in part, "This egregious display of violence is both upsetting and reprehensible ... We will provide additional support to this school community."

Bronx Borough President Vanessa L. Gibson released the following statement:

"On the eve of a new school year, we experienced a deeply troubling incident that should never occur in our community. One of our educators was struck by a stray bullet while preparing their classroom for instruction. An event that is both unacceptable and profoundly concerning. We are immensely relieved and grateful that he is recovering, but this situation highlights a broader public safety issue that demands our urgent attention.

"Our schools should be sanctuaries of learning and growth, not places of fear. The safety of our students and educators must be a top priority, and incidents like these underscore the need for more effective measures to protect our residents from gun violence. Out of precaution, we are adding additional school support staff, including counselors at MS 391, and additional School Safety Agents.

"We want to reassure our educators and parents that our children will be safe returning to school tomorrow. To ensure their continued safety, we will continue to work with local law enforcement and community leaders to keep our scholars, educators, and school staff safe in and out of the classroom. Our thoughts are with the affected teacher and his family, and we stand united in our determination to foster a safe and supportive educational atmosphere for all."

Shootings up in NYPD's 46th Precinct

The shooting happened in the New York City Police Department's 46th Precinct.

According to the NYPD, as of Sept. 1, shootings there are up 5% so far this year.

The NYPD said 41 people have been shot there since the beginning of the year, compared to 39 during the same period last year.

Across the borough, the number of shooting victims rose more than 3% over last year.

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