Bernie Sanders Wins 7 Of Last 8 State Contests After Capturing Wyoming Caucus

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork/AP) -- Bernie Sanders is pointing to his growing string of statewide wins and Hillary Clinton to her still-commanding lead in the delegate hunt as the Democratic rivals jostle for momentum heading into New York's big primary later this month. The Republicans, too, are trying to scoop up delegates out West while bidding for some New York love.

With his win Saturday in Wyoming, Sanders has now won seven of the last eight state contests, CBS2's Magdalena Doris reported, as the Vermont senator gains momentum.

"OK, news bulletin, we just won Wyoming," Sanders said at a rally in Queens Saturday.


But his latest victory did nothing to help him in the delegate chase: He and Clinton each got seven delegates.

"Now that we are in the second half of this campaign, we are going to state after state which I think have a more progressive outlook," Sanders said. "We are in this race to win."

Following the Queens rally, Sanders stopped by the famed Apollo Theater. 1010 WINS' Steve Kastenbaum reported Sanders talked about being Jewish when he was asked about his fight against racism got started. He told the crowd about how he cried when he was young when he found out his father's family was wiped out in the Holocaust.

"That stays with you, that's something you never forget," Sanders said.

The Vermont senator is holding a rally on the Coney Island Boardwalk Sunday.

Clinton, looking right past the Wyoming results, told a crowd in Brooklyn that she needs a big win in New York on April 19 to help her quickly lock up the Democratic nomination. She added that the sooner the nomination fight ends, "the sooner we can go after the Republicans full time."

"I actually believe New York values are good for America," Clinton said.

Trying to claim a cloak of inevitability for his candidate, Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook said in a statement that she "has a nearly insurmountable lead in pledged delegates that will become harder and harder to overcome after each contest."

WCBS 880's Kelly Waldron reported that former President Bill Clinton will be campaigning for his wife in New York City on Sunday.

Bill Clinton will appear at an event with Rep. Jerrold Nadler where he will talk to voter's about the former secretary of state's plan to raise incomes and get results for all communities, keep Americans safe and bring the country together.

On the Republicans side, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz completed his sweep of Colorado's 34 delegates by locking up the remaining 13 at the party's state convention in Colorado Springs. He already had collected 21 delegates and visited the state to try to pad his numbers there.

"The Democrats have a wild-eyed socialist who has dangerous ideas for America and the world and Bernie Sanders," Cruz said at a rally in Nevada.

Donald Trump organized late in Colorado and left the state convention up to his organizers, and spent about a half-hour on Saturday touring the National Sept. 11 Memorial and Museum in lower Manhattan. Trump donated $100,000 to the museum.

He and Clinton found a rare point of agreement in poking back at Cruz for his earlier criticism of "New York values."

Trump's campaign said in a statement after his museum visit that the site was "symbolic of the strength of our country, and in particular New Yorkers, who have done such an incredible job rebuilding that devastated section of our city. This is what 'New York values' are really all about."

Clinton's agreement with Trump ended right there, as she launched into an argument for electing Democrats to protect the U.S. economy.

"It's a fact that our economy does better when we have a Democrat in the White House," she said.

According to CBS News, Clinton has 1,755 delegates, while Sanders has accrued 1,059.

Trump still has a narrow path to clinching the Republican nomination by the end of the primaries on June 7, but he has little room for error. He would need to win nearly 60 percent of all the remaining delegates to clinch the nomination before the convention. So far, he's winning about 45 percent.

Following Cruz's sweep of Colorado's remaining delegates on Saturday, the CBS News count stands at Trump 743, Cruz 540, and John Kasich 143. Marco Rubio, who suspended his campaign, has 167 delegates. To clinch the nomination by the end of the primaries, a candidate needs 1,237 delegates.

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