American Cancer Society Announces Drive-Thru Fundraiser At Jones Beach, Long Island's Largest Breast Cancer Awareness Event Adjusts To Pandemic

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) - Thursday marks the beginning of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

The usual fundraising events, like breast cancer walks, are going to be much different this year. In fact, as CBS2's Dr. Max Gomez reports, one of Long Island's biggest fundraisers has become a drive-thru event.

Breast cancer awareness is critical every year and every month, of course. But, many women have been putting off their mammograms, or even cancer treatments, due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Cancer doesn't wait. So, this year, awareness and action are even more important.

The American Cancer Society's Making Strides of Long Island cancer walks, said to be the largest in the country, have been held annually in October at Jones Beach.

But, these kinds of mass gatherings, especially for cancer patients and survivors, are simply off limits during the pandemic.

RELATED STORY: Doctors Urge Women To Get Breast Screenings Now, Don't Wait For Pandemic To End

Long Island elected officials, spokeswomen for the American Cancer Society and survivors gathered to make sure breast cancer awareness stays top of mind this month.

"I just want to thank the American Cancer Society for all the things that they're doing, for having my back and my front in so many ways throughout my fight over the past 16 months," said Adina Perullo, a breast cancer survivor.

The most interesting announcement: this year's Making Strides fundraiser will be a drive-thru event.

The fully in-car, rolling pep rally at Jones Beach will be fully compliant with COVID-19 safety guidelines. But, you must make reservations online, ahead of time, for a timeslot on October 18 from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.

LINK: CLICK HERE for more information about this year's Making Strides event at Jones Beach.

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