Police: UWS Subway Station Fight Ensues After Man Bumps Woman With Stroller, Boy Injured

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) -- A quarrel turned violent this past weekend on a subway platform on the Upper West Side.

Police said a 73-year-old man was getting off a train at the 72nd Street No. 1, 2 and 3 trains station at 72nd Street and Broadway around 6:45 p.m. Sunday, when he bumped into a woman pushing a stroller.

The stroller lurched forward, and the little boy got a black eye after hitting his head, police said.

At that point, the boy's father got involved and punched the man in the face, police said.

The father was arrested and charged with assaulting a victim 65 or older and with harassment, police said.

The older man was also arrested and was charged with assault, injuring a person less than 11 years old and acting in a manner injurious to a child less than 17 years old, police said.

The child was taken to Mount Sinai West Hospital for evaluation, police said.

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