5 Best Places For Frozen Pops In NYC

Your childhood self had the right idea: when the temperature rises, grab an ice pop to cool yourself down. Our favorite purveyors of the frozen treat follow, and they're even better than you remember! By Jessica Allen.

Chloe's Soft Serve Fruit is just that—soft serve fruit. Think ice cream or frozen yogurt, minus the dairy, the fat, the gluten, the sodium, the major allergens, the cholesterol, the high fructose corn syrup, and the calories. The soft serve fruit pops are just as healthy and yummy and fruity. Each one has 60 calories, and they come in such flavors as strawberry, pineapple, banana, and dark chocolate. Yes, yes, yes, and yes.

Here's the secret to Frozen Peaks' genius: the customer is in charge, so you're really only limited by your imagination. First, you pick the frozen yogurt pop of your dreams (flavors include pistachio, mango, and chocolate). Then you pick the toppings (including sprinkles and crushed candy). OK, so maybe you're limited by gravity and your imagination, considering that whatever you pick has to stay on your stick. Or maybe not . . . ?

Since 2010, chef/owner Fany Gerson has brought the flavors of her native Mexico to the streets of New York. She and the rest of the La Newyorkina team make every last sweet thing from scratch, from carefully sourced local ingredients (where possible), including the frozen pops known as paletas. Best of all? A portion of sales supports Crea, which creates employment opportunities for low-income women in Mexico.

Three things you absolutely need to know about People's Pops: (1) The fruit comes from New York City greenmarkets. (2) The flavors, including strawberry basil, red plum blueberry, raspberry rose, and blackberry peach jasmine, change depending on what's in season, what's inspiring the owners, and what ingredients go best together. (3) The results are seriously addictive. Good thing they're available in several locations around Manhattan and Brooklyn.

According to its website, Popbar claims to rely on one secret ingredient: simplicity. Pretty cool, no? And you haven't even tried the eponymous frozen treat, sorbetto, yogurt, and gelato (in flavors like licorice and banana) on a stick. Popbars are made fresh daily, in batches of 26, with stuff you can pronounce, with no artificial flavorings or preservatives. Consider getting your Popbar covered or drizzled in "poppings," including coffee, chopped nuts, and coconut.

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