Worldwide impact of Senate's CIA torture report feared

U.S. embassies on alert as CIA report is revealed

A controversial, long-awaited Senate report on the CIA will be released today.

It focuses on so-called "enhanced interrogation techniques" used on terror suspects after 9/11, and is likely to claim that the agency repeatedly lied about the program. Now critics say the report is incorrect and could be dangerous, putting U.S. Marines at American embassies around the world on high alert, reports CBS News correspondent Bob Orr.

Explosive revelations expected in CIA interrogation techniques report

It's expected to be an ugly report -- a fairly graphic picture of what the CIA had to do in the face of 9/11 -- put out for the whole world to see. Many are likely to be upset by details including facts that some CIA officers went over the line and tortured detainees.

The report is expected to say the CIA routinely went beyond what was legally allowable, that techniques weren't effective in getting information and that the agency systematically lied about effectiveness of program in order for it to continue.

The problem many critics see is that it's not just being distributed in the United States. The worldwide release is sparking fear that terrorist organizations will seize on this, use it as propaganda, to recruit and inspire future attacks.

U.S. officials have warned other nations at the potential fallout because some secret information on America's international partners could be divulged.

Te CIA is also warning of the potential danger that, if the report were read carefully, it could reveal the identity of various covert officers, which if true would put people in real danger and lead to other attacks.

Other details of the report include it's cost to write over six years: $40 million.

While Vice President Cheney has defended the techniques referenced in the document, it's not clear if the Obama White House will go as far as to agree that the CIA lied.

The president has made a point to say, "We tortured some folks," but has essentially rejected the use of these enhanced interrogation techniques that he ended in 2009.

While the program was outlawed that year, the practice of enhanced techniques ended, for the most part, in 2006. The CIA is also expected to release data that some of these techniques were effective in producing useful intelligence.


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