Will Roger Stone cooperate with Mueller's Russia investigation?

Will Roger Stone cooperate with the Russia investigation?

Washington — Roger Stone was confident Monday as he arrived in Washington for his arraignment on charges that could land him in prison for decades. Special counsel Robert Mueller charged the president's friend of 40 years and former campaign advisor Friday with seven counts of lying, obstruction and witness tampering.

Over the weekend, Stone left the door open to working with investigators.

"If there's wrongdoing by other people in the campaign that I know about, which I know of none, but if there is I would certainly testify honestly," he said.

But in an interview with CBS News, Stone said he would not flip on President Trump.

"I have been very clear about the fact that I cannot and will not implicate the president because I would have to perjure myself in some way to do so," Stone said.

Extended interview: Roger Stone speaks to CBS News after arrest

Stone's indictment alleges he was in contact with several Trump campaign officials about Wikileaks' release of hacked Democratic emails. Scott Frederickson, a former independent counsel, said the president should be worried.

"The tantalizing question in this indictment is whether it was the president who directed a senior campaign official to be in contact with Mr. Stone about whether there was going to be more of the Russian hacked emails from the Democratic party," he said.

On Monday, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders denied the president's involvement.

"The more that this goes on the more and more we see that none of these things have anything to do with the president," Sanders said.

On Monday, acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker said the special counsel's probe was close to being completed.


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