Sarah Sanders blasts James Comey, Andrew McCabe in White House briefing

White House slams "blatant lies" in James Comey's new book

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders is briefing reporters Friday, after the Department of Justice Inspector General issued a scathing report on fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, and after President Trump blasted fired FBI Director James Comey.

Sanders was prepared when the first question from a reporter concerned Comey, reading a scathing statement. 

"The American people see right through the blatant lies of a self-admitted leaker," Sanders said, calling the book "a poorly executed PR stunt" intended to help Comey "rehabilitate his tattered reputation."

"One of the president's greatest achievements will go down as firing Director Comey," Sanders continued, referring to Comey, who served in both the Bush and Obama administrations, a "disgraced partisan hack."

Sanders also blasted McCabe, calling McCabe and Comey "two peas in a pod." The DOJ IG report on McCabe claims McCabe misled federal investigators about FBI contacts with the media on multiple occasions, saying McCabe "lacked candor."

Meanwhile, the president has yet to make a decision about what to do in response to the chemical attack in Syria. Sanders said the White House is "confident" Syria is responsible for the chemical weapons attack, but also said Russia is somewhat to blame. But the president is still conferring with allies, and has yet to reach a final decision on a response.

Earlier this week, Mr. Trump tweeted that missiles were coming, and said a decision would be coming within 24 to 48 hours. That timeline has long passed.

Sanders made a slightly stunning statement when she said she is unsure if Michael Cohen is still Mr. Trump's personal attorney, after FBI officials raided Cohen's home, hotel room and office. Mr. Trump has called the raid and surrounding situation a "disgrace/"

Earlier Friday, the president also pardoned Scooter Libby, an adviser to former Vice President Dick Cheney, claiming many people believe he was treated unfairly. Sanders said the pardon was "the right thing to do."


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