Where Hillary Clinton stands on gun control

Where does Hillary Clinton stand on gun control?

As gun violence continues to ravage the country, legal restrictions on the buying and selling of firearms have been put into sharp focus in this year’s general election.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton -- who has earned the endorsement of such pro-gun control groups as Everytown for Gun Safety and the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence -- has addressed the issue several times on the campaign trail, saying she would like to implement “common sense” gun legislation.

“I believe weapons of war have no place on our streets,” Clinton said in June. “We may have our disagreements on gun safety regulations, but we should all be able to agree on a few things.”

Take a look at Clinton’s proposals on gun control policy:

Clinton advocates for “common sense gun laws”

She wants to expand background checks

Clinton pledges to close loopholes in existing firearm laws

  • She wants to close the “Charleston loophole” which allows a gun sale to proceed without a completed background check if that check is not complete within three days. According to the FBI, it’s how Dylann Roof -- the shooter in Charleston, South Carolina who killed nine parishioners at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church last June -- was able to get his gun.

  • She would ask Congress to close the so-called “gun show loophole” and require any person engaging in a high volume of gun sales -- particularly at gun shows and on the internet -- to be held to the same standards as sellers at gun stores

Clinton would repeal immunity protections for the gun industry

With the upcoming election, CBS News is publishing a new feature series on the two major party nominees and their positions on important policy issues. Check out our list of stories and videos below:


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