University of Maryland and frat investigate racist, sexist email

COLLEGE PARK, Md. -- The University of Maryland and Kappa Sigma fraternity say they're investigating an email sent by a student laced with racist and sexist language.

Kappa Sigma fraternity says in a statement posted on its website Friday that the student was a member of the University of Maryland chapter when he sent the email to six others in January 2014. The fraternity says it only recently learned of the email and has suspended the student. Kappa Sigma says the student has since resigned, and its Maryland chapter is working to formally expel him.

According to WTOP, the email includes "racial slurs to refer to black, Indian and Asian women and alludes to raping women during Rush Week."

University President Wallace Loh said in a statement Thursday that the school became aware of the 15-month-old email containing vulgar language and reprehensible views on Tuesday. Loh says officials met with the person involved, and an investigation is underway.

SAE frat members apologize as Oklahoma campus tries to heal

The news comes just days after members of an Oklahoma University fraternity made national headlines after being caught on camera singing a racist chant.

Read Loh's entire statement below:

On Tuesday, March 10, the University of Maryland became aware of an email dated January 2014, 15 months ago. The vulgar language in the email expresses views that are reprehensible to our campus community. We immediately met with the individual involved and a University investigation is currently underway, led by the Office of Civil Rights and Sexual Misconduct. We are in contact with the University chapter of Kappa Sigma and they have taken swift and decisive action in this matter. At their request, the University has committed to provide educational training on diversity and respect for the entire fraternity. The University of Maryland remains committed to our core values of respect for human dignity, diversity, and inclusiveness. We are deeply saddened by the impact this email is having on our community.


Wallace D. Loh


University of Maryland


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