Turkey: No agreement with U.S. on base access yet

ANKARA, Turkey - There is no new agreement with the United States on using an air base in southern Turkey for operations against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the Turkish Foreign Ministry confirmed to CBS News correspondent Holly Williams.

On Monday, Turkish officials repeatedly denied reports that Turkey would let U.S. and coalition forces use its bases, including Incirlik air base, which is within 100 miles of the Syrian border, for operations against ISIS militants in Syria and Iraq.

The impasse suggests that major differences remain between the two sides.

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The U.S. has been pressing Turkey to play a larger role against the Islamic militants, who have taken control of large swaths of Syria and Iraq, including territory on Turkey's border, and sent refugees fleeing into Turkey.

Turkey has said it won't join the fight unless the U.S.-led coalition also goes after the Syrian government of President Bashar Assad, including establishing a no-fly zone and a buffer zone along the Turkish border.

However, emerging Monday from a Cabinet meeting, Turkey's deputy prime minister, Bulent Arinc, said that "apart from the existing cooperation in combating terrorism, there is no new situation concerning Incirlik air base."

The deputy premier added that Turkey had proposed the use of some of its bases to train and equip moderate opposition forces fighting ISIS, but said the sides had not yet come to any agreement.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Tanju Bilgic said Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu made it very clear on Monday in an interview with a Turkish news agency that "there is not an agreement -- no decision has been taken as regards using Incirlik air base."

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"He said that there is a consensus especially on train and equip program. But still many issues are pending and many issues are being discussed between the United States and Turkey. This includes creation of a safe zone, and creation of a no fly zone as well," Bilgic told reporters at U.N. headquarters in New York.

He said there are high-level contacts both in Turkey and the United States and the issue of bases is still on the agenda.

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, in comments published Sunday, said Incirlik was already being used for reconnaissance purposes in Iraq and said its use for wider operations would depend on whether Turkey's demands for a no-fly zone and a safe zone in Syria are met.

"There are activities that we are already undertaking jointly from Incirlik, concerning Iraq," Davutoglu told the Milliyet newspaper. "But as a base for a more extensive operation... we have already made our position clear: There has to be a no-fly zone and a safe haven must be declared."

Arinc said the two countries would hold "deeper" talks in the coming days on Turkey's cooperation in the U.S.-led coalition, including its demands for a no-fly zone and a safe haven in Syria.

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On the ground Monday, the battle continued to rage on Turkey's border as ISIS fighters carried out at least three suicide bombings in the Syrian border town of Kobani, allowing the group to make a small push into the strategic town, activists said.

ISIS extremists have carved out a vast stretch of territory from northern Syria to the outskirts of Baghdad where they have imposed their harsh interpretation of Islamic law. The fighters have massacred hundreds of captured Iraqi and Syrian soldiers, terrorized religious minorities, and beheaded two American journalists and two British aid workers. Hundreds of thousands of refugees have fled into Turkey from Syria ahead of the militants.

The U.S.-led coalition has been carrying out airstrikes against militant targets in and around Kobani for more than two weeks, and the town's fate has emerged as a major test of whether the air campaign can roll back the extremists in Syria.

The sound of explosions and occasional gunfire could be heard across the border in Kobani a day after Kurdish fighters managed to slow the advance of the jihadist group. What appeared to be a rocket-propelled grenade struck a minaret in the center of the town, emitting a cloud of white smoke.

Activists said ISIS militants were carrying out a three-pronged attack from the eastern side of the town and that clashes were reported in the southern part.

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The Syrian Kurdish enclave has been the scene of heavy fighting since late last month, with the better-armed ISIS fighters determined to capture the border post.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said an ISIS suicide bomber detonated a car filled with explosives in the northern part of Kobani near the border with Turkey. It said the car was headed to the border crossing between Kobani and Turkey.

Later Monday, another suicide attacker blew himself up in a vehicle east of Kobani near the security quarter that houses the main police station and other local government offices, according to the Observatory and Kobani-based activist Farhad Shami.

The Observatory later reported a third suicide attack northeast of Kobani, adding that ISIS fighters were able to capture a cultural center. Coalition warplanes later bombarded the area, the Observatory said.

Shami said the third suicide attack was carried out by an armored vehicle that blew up about 300 yards from the main border crossing point into Turkey. He also confirmed that ISIS captured the cultural center southeast of the town.

There was no immediate word on casualties from the explosions.

Shami said coalition aircraft flying over Kobani had struck 10 times Sunday and Monday.


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