Trump Tower climber pleads guilty, must stay away from Trump

NEW YORK -- The man who used suction cups to climb Trump Tower in August pleaded guilty to reckless endangerment and disorderly conduct on Monday morning, CBS New York reports.

How a climber used suction cups to climb Trump Tower
How a climber used suction cups to climb Trump Tower

A judge told 19-year-old Stephen Rogata, of Great Falls, Virginia, that he’s prohibited from any contact with President Donald Trump. The New York Daily News reports that includes mail, Facebook and Twitter. 

He is required to stay away from Mr. Trump -- as well as from Trump Tower -- for a year, CBS New York reported. Rogata will receive mental health treatment for a year in lieu of jail.

If he stays out of trouble for 12 months, he’ll be permitted to withdraw his plea to the reckless endangerment charge, the Associated Press reported,

Rogata’s climb last summer drew global attention. At one point while he scaled Trump Tower, a laptop he was carrying fell, crashing on the ground below. Police officers eventually grabbed Rogata and hauled him to safety through an open window on the 21st floor. 

After the incident, Rogata’s attorney, Tara Collins, said he was receiving much-needed mental health treatment.

Prior to the climb, Rogata posted a video on YouTube saying he wanted a personal meeting with Mr. Trump.

“The reason I climbed your tower, is to get your attention,” he said.

Message to Mr. Trump (why I climbed your tower) by Leven Thumps on YouTube