Charges filed against Trump Tower climber Stephen Rogata

NEW YORK CITY -- Police say a 19-year-old man has been charged after he spent hours scaling the glass facade of Trump Tower in New York City using large suction cups.

Climber scaling Trump Tower captured by NYPD

Police say Stephen Rogata was arrested Wednesday after officers grabbed him and hauled him to safety through an open window.

The NYPD announced Thursday Rogata, of Great Falls, Virginia, has been charged with criminal trespass and reckless endangerment.

Police say Rogata wore a backpack and used a harness and rope stirrups to fasten himself to the side of the 68-story Manhattan skyscraper. He climbed as high as the 21st floor before officers grabbed him.

Video of the incident was widely viewed on social media and in local and national media.

The tower is headquarters to Donald Trump's Republican presidential campaign and his business empire. Trump also lives there, although he was away Wednesday. Rogata allegedly said he was seeking a "private audience" with Trump.

During a press conference, police said the suspect posted a video to Facebook before the climb. The video is titled, "Message to Mr. Trump (why I climbed your tower)" and was posted on August 9.

In the video, he discusses wanting to meet Trump, and says he is a "private researcher."

"The reason I climbed your tower is to get your attention," he said.

He was taken to a hospital for psychiatric evaluation.


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