Trevor Noah says it's possible to be "pro-cop and pro-black" in "Daily Show" speech

"The Daily Show" host Trevor Noah had a clear message for his audience Thursday in the wake of the police killings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile earlier this week.

"It always feels like in America, it's like, if you take a stand for something, you automatically are against something else," Noah said. "You shouldn't have to choose between the police and the citizens that they are sworn to protect."

The segment recalled sentiments expressed by Noah's predecessor, Jon Stewart, in 2014: "You can have great regard for law enforcement and still want them held to high standard."

But Noah's comments went further, highlighting the issues at the heart of the types of stories that have become startlingly regular in the U.S. "You can't deny the racism," Noah said

"We shouldn't be afraid to say it: America has a problem within its police force. And although the problem disproportionately affects black people, it's not just a black problem. It's an American problem."

Noah's segment for "The Daily Show" was taped Thursday afternoon, before the shooting in Dallas that left five police officers dead.


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