Top Senate Dem calls for more information from Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch

With less than a week until Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch’s hearings, the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee is calling for more information from the judge.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-California) wrote in a letter to Gorsuch Tuesday that he had not yet completed her request for a list of all “significant cases” in which he helped make decisions or “developed case strategy.”

“This has not yet been done,” the letter read. “Documents produced by the Justice Department demonstrate you had a leading role in litigation and strategy over executive power and national security matters that have not yet been identified to the Committee.”

She specifically referenced Ali et al vs. Rumsfeld, a 2005 case brought by individuals who say they were “tortured in U.S. military prisons and detention facilities.”

“In that appraisal, in November 2005, you noted that you ‘helped draft motion to dismiss the first set of Bivens suits related to the war on terrorism consolidated before Judge Hogan,’” Feinstein wrote. “Your own appraisal also states that you ‘[h]elped coordinate litigation efforts involving a number of national security matters -- including the Darby photos litigation and FOIA case seeking a poll of Guantanamo Bay detainees -- with DOD, SDNY, NSC, White House Counsel, among others.’”

Feinstein, in particular, asked about any litigation related to the Bush administration’s “anti-terrorism, intelligence, detention, interrogation, military, or related efforts.”

President Donald Trump nominated Gorsuch to the court in January; his hearings are expected to begin next Monday.


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