This Morning from CBS News: Aug. 4, 2014

Battling Ebola

The World Health Organization says the death toll from the largest Ebola outbreak in history has now topped 800.

Meanwhile, a second American missionary stricken with Ebola is expected to be flown Tuesday to the U.S. for treatment after a colleague was admitted over the weekend to Emory University Hospital's infectious disease unit. The American doctor who arrived at Emory over the weekend after contracting the virus is said to be improving now that he is back in the United States.

Gaza violence

Israeli ground forces have begun pulling out of the Gaza Strip, but the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) say the operation to quiet rocket fire from the Palestinian territory is not over yet, and they remain focused on destroying the vast network of tunnels honeycombed underneath Gaza and reaching in many locations deep into Israeli territory.

Executive action

With Congress gone until Labor Day and Obama leaving for Martha's Vineyard this week, what happens to the immigration crisis? In the short-term, it's likely the President will have to come up with some creative budgetary moves to free up the necessary money.

Chasing Colorado's cannabis

Under federal law, marijuana purchased in Colorado has to remain within Colorado's borders. But a recent study found that nearly half of all recreational marijuana in Denver is being purchased by out-of-state visitors. In 2013, the federal Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area calculated that 288 cars had smuggled Colorado marijuana beyond state lines, and experts say that's probably only 10 percent of the illegal trafficking going on.

Lawmakers, are you listening?

The message coming from a new report by the Social Security and Medicare trustees is crystal clear, and it's one that both citizens and lawmakers would do well to pay attention to.

Vacation by the numbers

The average American worker is entitled to 16 days of paid leave. But the average vacation lasts just over four days! How do we compare to other countries?

How now brown fat?

Body fat certainly has a bad reputation, but not all fat is equal. There's growing evidence that brown fat can actually be beneficial for your health and weight -- and the more of it you have, the better. In some cases its been shown to burn 300 calories in 24 hrs. So how can you activate that brown fat?

"Yes to everything"

For four and 1/2 years, the Academy Award-winning actress and director Lee Grant confronted her past, writing it all down by hand. The result is the new, thoroughly-honest memoir, "I Said Yes to Everything."

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