Ted Cruz not in negotiations to speak at convention, says spokesperson

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Ted Cruz is not negotiating for a speaking slot at the Republican National Convention, according to a spokesperson in his political office.

"No we are not," responded Cruz spokeswoman Catherine Frazier to a story by NBC News that the Senator and Republican primary runner-up was in negotiations for a speaking slot.

The presumptive nominee Donald Trump tweeted on Wednesday morning that the schedule of speakers would be released on Thursday.

Last week, Cruz spokeswoman Catherine Fraizer told CBS News that they weren't expecting a speaking slot.

"We haven't operated under any assumption that we'll have a speaking role, those decisions are up to those planning the convention," she said, adding, "Cruz's priority in going to Cleveland will be to thank the many delegates who worked hard on his behalf while he was in the race, and he's looking forward to that."

Traditionally, the runner up is given a speaking slot at the convention. However, the Trump said in an interview with the New York Times last week, "If there's no endorsement, then I would not invite them to speak."

Cruz has not indicated any inclination to support the nominee after a bitter primary battle where Trump went after Cruz's wife's appearance and insinuated his father was involved in the assassination of President Kennedy.

When asked in an interview by the Denver Post on July 20th, Cruz continued to punt on making an endorsement, saying, "I'm doing what millions of voters are doing which is I'm watching, I'm listening and I'm hearing what the candidates say."


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