Ted Cruz leads Donald Trump in Wisconsin, poll shows

Trump meets with GOP leaders after abortion comment

Days ahead of the April 5 Wisconsin Republican primary, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz has a 10-point lead over GOP front-runner Donald Trump among likely GOP primary voters in the state, according to a new poll.

Cruz wins 42 percent support in the new Fox Business Network poll, while Trump garners 32 percent. Ohio Gov. John Kasich takes 19 percent.

Cruz benefits from a 19-point advantage among women surveyed -- he wins the support of 46 percent of women likely to vote in the primary, while Trump wins 27 percent. Cruz has just a five-point lead (40 percent to 35 percent) over Trump among men.

The survey was conducted Monday through Wednesday, at the same time Trump was coming under scrutiny for multiple women's issues. On Wednesday, he said that women who get abortions should face some sort of punishment -- a stance his GOP primary opponents disagree with. On Tuesday, Trump defended his campaign manager after he was charged with battery for grabbing a female reporter. Additionally, throughout the campaign season, the Republican candidate has come under fire for his history of sexist remarks.

Cruz also has a significant advantage (61 percent to Trump's 25 percent) among voters who describe themselves as "very conservative." White evangelicals also back Cruz over Trump, 49 percent to 28 percent.


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