Hillary Clinton sharpens GOP, Trump attacks at Super Tuesday rally

CBS News Live Video

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton slammed her GOP rivals on Tuesday night, just as CBS News projected several Super Tuesday state victories for the former secretary of state.

"We know we've got work to do," Clinton told supporters at a rally in Miami, Florida. "But that work is not to make America great again -- America never stopped being great."

The statement was a subtle jab at current Republican front-runner Donald Trump, whose campaign slogan it a promise to "make America great again" and who has also racked up several Super Tuesday victories.

"We have to make America whole," Clinton proposed instead. "We have to fill in -- fill in what's been hollowed out. We have to make strong the broken places, restitch the bonds of trust and respect across our country."

"It might be unusual for a presidential candidate to say this, but I'm going to keep saying this: I believe what we need in America today is more love and kindness," she said. "Instead of building walls, we're going to break down barriers and build ladders of opportunity and empowerment."

Clinton spoke with November's general election in mind, aiming more at her Republican opponents than at Democratic primary rival Bernie Sanders.

For Super Tuesday, the former secretary of state declared that "the stakes have never been higher" -- just as "the rhetoric we've been hearing has never been lower."

She denounced the GOP rhetoric of "trying to divide America between 'us' and 'them'" as wrong, and, she promised "we're not going to let it work."

CBS News has projected several wins for Clinton tonight: Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee, Texas, Georgia, Virginia, and American Samoa. Sanders has won two: his home state of Vermont and Oklahoma.


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