Super PAC backing Hillary Clinton raises $142M in donations, commitments

The leading super PAC backing Hillary Clinton for president has raised $142 million in donations and commitments for the 2016 presidential cycle.

Priorities USA said that it brought in $900,000 through a joint fundraising agreement with EMILY's List. In June, the group brought in nearly $12 million and the PAC said that it has about $40 million cash on hand.

The announcement from Priorities Wednesday comes as Republicans hold their convention in Cleveland this week and less than a week before the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.

The group has launched a series of ads over the last few months targeting Donald Trump in an attempt to give Clinton a boost.

Priorities, for example, launched an ad last month taking aim at Trump's treatment of disabled people. It featured a boy named Dante who was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on his spine that disabled him as a baby. The ad was a $500,000 buy aimed at millennials that aired on Facebook, Instagram and Pandora in a number of battleground states including Ohio, Virginia, Colorado, Florida and North Carolina.
