Sunday: John Kerry, John Kasich, Richard Burr, and a Trump focus group

International climate change negotiations in Paris are finalizing a landmark deal that would aim to limit global temperature increases to 2 degrees Celsius. This Sunday on "Face the Nation," we'll get the details on the pact from Secretary of State John Kerry, who's in Paris representing the U.S. How significant could this agreement be? And are there any potential hurdles?

Back at home, Donald Trump threw yet another grenade into the Republican presidential primary this week, provoking an international uproar with his proposal to temporarily halt Muslim immigration to the U.S.

In the wake of terror attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, polls show the Republican electorate is divided on the proposal, even as Republican leaders in Congress - and most of Trump's rivals for the Republican nomination - condemn it.

This Sunday on "Face the Nation," we'll hear from one of those rivals, Ohio Gov. John Kasich. He's been among Trump's harshest critics in the GOP field, warning that the bombastic businessman isn't up to the job of being president, and he's even hinted at the possibility that he might not support Trump, if Trump wins the nomination (though he's said it would take something "extreme" for that to happen, noting that he and the rest of the GOP field signed a pledge to support the party's eventual nominee.)

What does Kasich think of Trump's proposals, and of the businessman's continued strength in the GOP primary? And do his own proposals to combat ISIS and prevent domestic terrorism demonstrate the depth he says Trump lacks?

We'll also hear from Trump supporters who took part in a focus group conducted this week by GOP pollster and CBS News Contributor Frank Luntz. Are Trump's fans prepared to weather any controversy for the sake of their candidate? And what might Trump's candidacy mean for the future of the Republican Party?

For the latest on the investigation on the San Bernardino terror attack, we'll talk with Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr, a Republican from North Carolina. We'll also get his take on the broader war on terror and the effort to secure the homeland.

Finally, to help us spot some order amid the chaos, we'll turn to our panel of political experts, including Slate Magazine's Jamelle Bouie, a CBS News Political Analyst, Kim Strassel of the Wall Street Journal, Peter Baker of the New York Times, and Susan Page of USA Today.

You won't want to miss this Sunday's broadcast, so tune in! Check your local listings for airtimes.


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