Sunday: GOP convention and Nice attack

As Republicans prepare for their presidential convention in Cleveland next week, another terror attack strikes France, killing scores of people. This Sunday on Face the Nation, we'll bring you the latest on both stories with a live broadcast from the floor of the GOP convention hall in Cleveland.

We'll talk with former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who was on Donald Trump's vice presidential shortlist but was bypassed in favor of Indiana Governor Mike Pence. How does he think a Trump/Pence ticket will fare in November? And how does he explain his call for Muslims in the U.S. to be tested for allegiance to Shariah Law in the wake of the terror attack in Nice?

We'll also talk with Trump's campaign manager, Paul Manafort, about the convention and the remainder of the race. What is Trump's team hoping to accomplish in Cleveland? And how will they take the fight to Hillary Clinton during the next few months?

We'll get an update on the security situation in Cleveland from the city's chief of police, Calvin Williams, who is preparing for an influx of politicians, protesters, and more. Has the attack in Nice changed his department's approach to securing the city? And is he confident the convention will go off without any significant unrest?

We'll have CBS News Elections Director Anthony Salvanto on hand to unveil some new Battleground Tracker poll numbers out of some key states, along with a look at voters across the swing state map.

Also joining us in Cleveland will be former Mississippi Governor and RNC Chairman Haley Barbour, who's played a key role in a number of prior GOP conventions. How does this year's convention planning differ from past cycles'? And is he confident Republicans will be able to put their divisions aside to secure victory in the fall?

We'll convene a panel of conservatives to examine the state of the GOP and the conservative movement ahead of the Republican convention: American Conservative Union Chairman Matt Schlapp, Wall Street Journal columnist Kimberley Strassel, and the founder and publisher of the Federalist, Ben Domenech.

Finally, we'll break down the busy news week with, Washington Post reporter Ed O'Keefe, Wall Street Journal columnist and CBS News contributor Peggy Noonan, and former "Face the Nation" moderator Bob Schieffer, now a CBS News political contributor.

It's going to be an exciting broadcast, so make sure you tune in! Check your local listings for airtimes.


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