Russian spacecraft falls to Earth

MOSCOW -- Russia's space agency says the unmanned cargo ship that went out of control en route to the International Space Station has fallen to Earth over the Pacific Ocean.

A brief statement from Roscosmos says the Progress craft entered the planet's atmosphere about 5 a.m. (0200 GMT) on Friday. Progress was expected to mostly burn up from the friction of the re-entry and there were no reports of fragments being spotted.

The statement said the re-entry was over the central part of the ocean but did not give coordinates.

The Progress 59 cargo ship launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on April 28, carrying three tons of food and other supplies for the crew aboard ISS. But the ship suddenly spun out of control and could not be directed to its destination. Engineers finally gave up hope that it would be able to dock with the space station. They tracked the craft as it tumbled back toward Earth, but were unable to predict exactly where it would re-enter the atmosphere.

The next launch of a supply ship, by the U.S. company SpaceX, is planned for June. CBS News space consultant Bill Harwood says the crew has plenty of supplies to last them until then.

"They're not rationing food or anything like that," he said.


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