Retired Gen. David Petraeus could face federal charges

Former CIA Chief David Petraeus may face criminal charges

CBS News has confirmed that felony charges may be brought against retired Gen. David Petraeus.

Both the FBI and federal prosecutors are recommending that Petraeus be charged with providing classified information to his former mistress while he was director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

Petraeus, a four star general who led U.S. military forces in both Iraq and Afghanistan, resigned from the CIA in November 2012 after his affair with Paula Broadwell, an Army Reserve officer, became public.

A search of Broadwell's computer turned up intimate emails with Petraeus and also revealed Broadwell may have mishandled some classified information that she'd collected for a biography she wrote of him.

The FBI found a substantial number of classified documents on Broadwell's computer, and she has told agents she took classified documents out of secure government buildings.

The bureau also found classified documents in a search of Broadwell's house in Charlotte, N.C. Broadwell had agreed to the search and had told agents in advance that she had additional documents.

The final decision on whether to charge Petraeus will be made by Attorney General Eric Holder.


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