Report: Texas car crash victim robbed by "Good Samaritan"

IRVING, Texas -- Police near Dallas are on the lookout for a man who may have robbed a woman right after she was in a car accident, reports CBS DFW.

Kim Smith says her car flipped three times, landing upside down, but she escaped with very minor bruises, according to the station. After a few minutes, she was approached by an apparent "Good Samaritan," who helped her find her purse.

Smith said that he promised he wouldn't leave, but he did. Later, she realized he had stolen her wallet.

Police in Irving, Texas, say the not-so-Good-Samaritan was driving a red pick-up truck. They are now checking to see if any cameras caught him, according to the station.

Being victimized wasn't even the hardest part, Smith added. She reportedly stood on the roadside waving and pleading.

"What I think was worse is that...people weren't stopping," she said.

Family members were also shocked at the incident and wondered why a helping hand was so hard to find, according to CBS DFW.

"You just want to ask people - Why? Why wouldn't you want to stop? Because if it was you, we would stop. You would want us to stop and help you," her father, Steve Smith, said.


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