Report: Instagram tips police to Mich. school rampage plot

School rampage plot foiled by Instagram

ARGENTINE Twp., Mich. -- Three Michigan teens face life in prison, accused of plotting a shooting attack on a school, reports CBS affiliate WWMT.

Police say a school resource officer in Argentine Township, about 65 miles northwest of Detroit, discovered the plot against Linden High School and nearby Linden Middle School Oct. 28 on Instagram. Ryan Stevens, 18, and two 15-year-old boys were arrested the next day, and have been reportedly charged with conspiracy to commit first-degree premeditated murder and threat of terrorism.

Police told the station the teens were planning to purchase weapons. The conspiracy charge carries a possible sentence of by life in prison; the terrorism charge is punishable by up to 20 years, reports USA Today.

Information about the case was not released publicly until police and the FBI were satisfied everyone involved was in custody, according to USA Today.

Argentine Township Police Chief Daniel Allen told the paper that Stevens is a former student, but couldn't describe the other two suspects' connection to the school. He reportedly said a motive was emerging, but wouldn't detail it.

"Sadly, these things happen a lot across the country and you have to take them seriously," Allen told USA Today. "I took it seriously. The FBI took it seriously. Obviously, by the charges, the prosecutor took it seriously."


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