Trump signs Executive Order focused on American workers

Trump signs executive order aimed at helping American workers

Surrounded by members of his administration and company executive at the White House, President Trump signed an executive order Thursday establishing the National Council for the American Worker.

"Every day we are lifting our forgotten Americans off the sidelines, out of the margins, and back into the workforce," Mr. Trump said

With the executive order, he hopes to bolster job training opportunities for nearly 3.8 million students and workers as employers search for qualified skilled workers to fill vacancies. The council will be composed of government officials as well as an advisory board of industry leaders and experts, according to Mr. Trump.

"America's strength, America's heart, and America's soul is found in our people," Mr. Trump said.

He challenged the nearly two dozen companies to sign a pledge aimed at providing job training and apprenticeship programs as a way to boost the U.S. economy. According to Mr. Trump, nearly two dozen companies and trade organizations are signing the pledge.

"Together, with the help of everyone in this room, we will truly make America greater than ever before," he said.


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