Police: Idaho man calls 911 a dozen times about bar bill

POST FALLS, Idaho - When complaining about your bar tab, you might want to avoid involving the police.

Authorities say a northern Idaho man called 911 a dozen times to report being overcharged at a bar, and now he faces up to a $1,000 fine and a year in jail.

Post Falls police Capt. Pat Knight says an officer gave Phillip Poissonnier of Post Falls a ride home after he was kicked out of Club Tequila just after 1 a.m. Monday.

Knight tells Spokane, Washington, television station KXLY that Poissonnier then made 12 emergency calls -- count 'em, 12 -- the first one asking officers to come back to discuss his bar tab.

The TV station reports that a bartender produced Poissonnier's receipts showing he was charged $30 for the 10 beers he ordered.

Police say he faces a misdemeanor citation over misusing 911.
