Police: Calif. mother abducts son, 12, after bitter divorce

ANAHEIM HILLS, Calif. -- The father of a 12-year-old says his son was apparently taken by his estranged wife and that a very bitter divorce led to the abduction, reports CBS Los Angeles.

Michael Myaskovsky has custody of the child and told the station the boy's mother, Sousan Alemansour, grabbed him during a supervised visit Monday and took off. Her vehicle was later located at LAX, and detectives confirmed that the mother and son were on a flight to Chicago Monday night.

"It's worse than hell. I don't know what hell is like, but this is it for me," the father told CBS Los Angeles.

He also told the station that Alemansour assaulted the court-appointed monitor before escaping with the child.

"She said that she's wanted to move out of the state," Myaskovsky said. "She said she's looking for work elsewhere, but I didn't think she would pull this."

Alemansour does not have family in Chicago, according to Myaskovsky.

Police were expected to apprehend his estranged wife when she arrived in Chicago on Monday night. She is expected to be extradited back to California and charged with felony child abduction, reported CBS Los Angeles.


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