Police: Calif. educator acknowledged sex in YouTube case

RIVERSIDE, Calif. - Police say a California educator jailed on felony charges of sex abuse confessed to having a sexual relationship with a former student who confronted her over the phone and posted video of the conversation on YouTube.

Riverside police Detective Roberta Hopewell said in court papers obtained Tuesday by The Associated Press that 40-year-old Andrea Cardosa told Alhambra police she had a sexual relationship with the now-28-year-old woman who made the video when the alleged victim was a teen.

Hopewell says the officers interviewed Cardosa after the woman sent the video to Alhambra High School, where Cardosa was an assistant principal.

On Monday, prosecutors charged Cardosa with 16 counts of sexual assault and abuse involving two alleged victims. The second alleged victim said she reported allegations after seeing the YouTube video which was posted Jan. 17 and garnered nearly 1 million views within days.

Messages left Tuesday for Cardosa's lawyer, Randy Collins, were not immediately returned.

Cardosa quit her job as an assistant principal immediately after the YouTube video was posted last month. She previously worked as a teacher and coach.


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