Tenn. school official strikes deal in high school rape case

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. -- The assistant principal at a Tennessee high school where basketball players are accused of raping younger teammates has been sentenced to community service and a class on mandatory reporting for failing to report the abuse.

The Chattanooga Times Free Press reports that a judge on Wednesday approved a pre-trial diversion plan for Allard "Jesse" Nayadley, which includes 10 hours of community service. If he complies, his record can be wiped clean after six months.

According to the pretrial diversion, Nayadley, who is also the school's Athletic Director, admits no wrongdoing, reports CBS affiliate WDEF.

District Attorney Neal Pinkston has said four boys from Ooltewah High School in Hamilton County were sexually assaulted during a team trip. One required emergency surgery for his injuries.

Ooltewah High School basketball coach Andre Montgomery (left); Athletic Director and Assistant Principal Allard "Jesse" Nayadley (center); assistant coach Karl Williams (right) CBS affiliate WDEF

Pinkston charged Nayadley, basketball coach Andre Montgomery and assistant coach Karl Williams with failing to report the abuse in Hamilton County.

Charges against Montgomery and Williams are pending before the grand jury, which is reportedly scheduled for next week, according to the station.

Three players are facing aggravated rape charges after they allegedly assaulted a freshman teammate during a hazing incident on Dec. 22. Prosecutors tried to have one of the teens transferred from juvenile to adult court, but the judge rejected the bid in March.


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