New details on Paris terror attack suspects' movements

New images show terror inside Paris kosher grocery

MADRID -- Spanish authorities said Thursday that the French gunman killed last week while holding hostages in Paris drove his common-law wife from France to Madrid on Dec. 31 and was with her until she took a Jan. 2 flight to Istanbul.

Spain's National Court said in a statement it is investigating what Amedy Coulibaly did in the Spanish capital with his wife Hayat Boumeddiene and a third person who was not identified but is suspected of helping Boumeddiene get from Turkey to Syria.

A Spanish security official said Thursday Coulibaly drove back to France on Jan. 2, speaking to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because of a policy preventing the official from being cited by name.

The official said Spanish authorities are working with French counterparts to determine if Coulibaly and Boumeddiene met with others.

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Six days since the attack at the kosher supermarket in eastern Paris, new photos show Coulibaly, a convicted bank robber, forcing his hostages to destroy security cameras inside the store, CBS News correspondent Elizabeth Palmer reports from Paris. He didn't realize the pictures would survive because they were stored remotely.

Over the weekend, police found Coulibaly's hideout in a Paris suburb with a whole arsenal inside, Palmer reports.

Meanwhile, Belgian authorities were looking into possible links between a man they arrested in the southern Charleroi region for illegal trade in weapons and Coulibaly.

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"The man claims that he wanted to buy a car from the wife of Coulibaly," said federal prosecutor's spokesman Eric Van der Sypt. "At this moment this is the only link between what happened in Paris."

A U.S. law enforcement source told CBS News senior investigative producer Pat Milton that it is unclear whether the man, described as a known arms dealer, actually sold weapons to Coulibaly, but the source said that Coulibaly is believed to have purchased weapons in Brussels allegedly used in the kosher supermarket attack.

According to the source, Coulibaly took out a loan for about $6,000 and purchased weapons, Milton reports. He is believed to have bought the Scorpion machine guns and Tokarev handguns in Brussels. In addition, Coulibaly is believed to have bought the AK-47 and other weapons used by Cherif and Said Kouachi, who killed 12 in last week's attack on the Charlie Hebdo newspaper.

The terror attacks in Paris occurred in an atmosphere of rising anti-Semitism in France and have prompted scattered retaliatory violence against Muslims and Muslim sites around France. Justice officials have also been cracking down by arresting dozens of people who glorified terrorism or made racist or anti-Semitic remarks.

French President Francois Hollande insisted Thursday that any anti-Muslim or anti-Semitic acts must be "severely punished." He said France's millions of Muslims should be protected and respected, "just as they themselves should respect the nation" and its strictly secular values.

"In the face of terrorism, we are all united," he said at the Institute of the Arab World in Paris.

The government announced Thursday it would give citizenship to a Malian immigrant who saved several Jewish shoppers last week by hiding them in the kosher market's basement before sneaking out to brief police on Coulibaly, the hostage-taker upstairs. Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said he would personally preside over the ceremony for Lassana Bathily on Tuesday.

Among the victims buried Thursday were Charlie Hebdo cartoonists Georges Wolinski and Bernard Verlhac, both laid to rest in Paris' famed Pere-Lachaise cemetery. Verlhac, who drew under the name Tignous, was buried in a plain wood coffin decorated with cartoons by his friends.

Charlie Hebdo issue sells out in Paris

Three other victims of the attacks - Charlie Hebdo columnists Bernard Maris and Elsa Cayat, and Franck Brinsolaro, the policeman bodyguard for slain Charlie Hebdo chief Stephane Charbonnier - were also buried Thursday.

With 120,000 security forces deployed to prevent future attacks, nerves jumped overnight when a car rammed into a policewoman guarding the president's palace. Prosecutors and police said, however, the incident at the Elysee Palace had no apparent links to last week's shootings.

A car carrying four people took a one-way street in the wrong direction then drove off when the police officer tried to stop them. The officer sustained slight leg injuries, police said. Two people were later arrested and two others in the car fled.

Customers lined up again Thursday to try to get copies of Charlie Hebdo's first edition since the attacks. Even though it had a special increased print run of 5 million copies, it sold out before dawn Thursday in Paris kiosks for a second straight day.

Some Muslims, who believe their faith forbids depictions of the prophet, reacted with dismay or anger to the new cover. In Pakistan, lawmakers marched outside parliament Thursday to protest the publication.

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A leader of Yemen's al Qaeda branch officially claimed responsibility for the attacks at Charlie Hebdo, saying in a video the slayings were in "vengeance for the prophet." But U.S. and French intelligence officials lean toward an assessment that the Paris terror attacks were inspired by al Qaeda but not directly supervised by the group.

Speaking on the papal plane, Pope Francis expressed his belief that there were limits to freedom of expression, using Alberto Gasparri, who organizes papal trips and was standing by his side, as an example.

"If my good friend Dr. Gasparri says a curse word against my mother, he can expect a punch," Francis said, throwing a pretend punch. "You cannot provoke. You cannot insult the faith of others. You cannot make fun of the faith of others."


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