McCain family mourning after John McCain's dog dies in "tragic accident"

Just months after the death of Sen. John McCain, the McCain family is grieving the loss of his beloved dog, Burma. Burma died "in an tragic accident" at the family's ranch on Monday, Cindy McCain announced on social media.

The late senator's wife posted a photo of Burma on Instagram and wrote, "She now frolicking with the one she loved most in heaven."

Meghan McCain, the late senator's daughter, also shared the news on Instagram. "Every time I think my heart can't be broken any further..." she wrote, sharing a photo of her dad and the beloved family dog. "Our dog Burma was my father's birthday present years ago and was absolutely and truly devoted to him. She would never leave his side, followed him around every single step when he would walk around our ranch, slept by his side every night."

She said the family would call Chesapeake Bay retrievers the most affectionate breed of dogs, and Burma gave Sen. McCain the love of a family member. "I love you Burma and hope you're in heaven jumping into creeks, chasing sticks and fish with Dad," she wrote.

Other members of the McCain family also shared photos of Burma, but did not provide any other details about the cause of death. "Today my father missed his best friend so much He came down to get her," James McCain wrote. "Now they are together again and i know he already is sneaking table food her. Some times in life best friends need to be together even in the sky."

Burma was present at Meghan McCain's wedding, as seen in a photo Cindy McCain shared. Senator McCain often shared photos of the dog on his Instagram, as well. 

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Burma at her best!

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